Friday, February 26, 2016


Earlier this month my sister was given a topic to write about at school, and once she read it to me I absolutely fell in love!
So as a tribute to our brave soldiers, I thought of sharing it here.
    اللهم ارحم شهداء الوطن برحمة واسعة من عندك
اللهم تقبل شهادتهم
اللهم اسكنهم الفردوس الأعلى

What does it mean to sacrifice? The true meaning of sacrifice isn’t just giving everything up, its way more than that; it’s putting others before you. Sacrifice doesn’t mean rejection of the useless or despicable however, of the valuable and precious. There are always certain things in life that we need to accept we can’t have. We can’t live our lives thinking we can get everything our heart desires. Yes, we should indeed be determined, we should fight for what we want, but at some point we are going to have to go give up something in order to gain another.

Almost my whole life, the most common phrase that I’ve heard people say is “love is sacrifice”, but what is love? Love is valuing joy and pain of another as if they were your own. An anonymous person once said, “What is love? No one could define it; it’s something so great, only god could design it. Yes, love is beyond what man can define, for love is immortal and god’s gift is divine.” This love can be love of a friend or relative, however in all types of love, sacrifices have to be made. If you truly love someone, you would always put their happiness above yours, their needs above yours. “Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love is by far, the truest type of love.”

Haven’t we thought of our soldiers? They risk their lives daily just to ensure the safety of our country and the people living in it. Going and fighting for their country is the greatest and most honourable gift anyone can ask for, yet it’s still a significant sacrifice. Leaving their families and friends in order to provide safety for the people of their country is just wonderful and brave of them. We can’t be grateful enough of their selflessness and altruism. Not to mention, they chose to go with their own intentions without anyone forcing them even though they know there is a great risk of dying or getting injured badly. If this isn’t the most remarkable act of sacrifice, then what is? A wise man called Simone De Beauvoir once said, “Every war, every revolution, demands the sacrifice of a generation, of a collectivity, by those who undertake it.”

The UAE started recruiting soldiers years ago to make certain of the protection of our country. Because of their bravery and great intention to fight whatever stands in the way of our safety, we have recently lost a few of these soldiers. They have loved their country so passionately to a level where they risked their lives so that many can be protected. They put their lives out there for us and we are forever thankful and indebted to their heroism. What they have done is certainly courageous because, if soldiers didn’t sacrifice their time with their families and friends to protect us, then we wouldn’t know what freedom and peace felt like. The governors and rulers of the UAE have sacrificed so much to maintain the happiness and well-being of their people. What more can anyone ask for? They have cared for the people in their country by feeding those in hunger, caring for the hurt, ill or needy. They have always placed everyone’s needs above theirs and not once have they hesitated when the matter was between their people and their needs. Throughout history, we have seen our military go brave into battle, armed with courage and willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Sacrifice is almost always necessary because everything comes with a price. However there are three things in life that you should never sacrifice no matter how badly you want something; your family, your heart and your dignity. In our journey of life, we must always know that no matter what we will always face difficulties. We have to be aware that our struggles will require sacrifices upon sacrifices, as David Ramsey said, “The most important decision about your goals is not what you are willing to do to achieve them, but what are you willing to give up.”

A piece by Asma Mohammed 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

ًWhite moments within / دثرتني بوشاحها الآحمر

A year back from now I posted a poem which is still dear to my heart, and a few days back I was very honoured to have one of my colleagues collaborate with me in a poetic dialogue in English and Arabic. Thank you! 

,You left
,Not willingly
.But still gone


مؤلمٌ هو الرحيل ..
لم أكن أريده 
كنت أتحاشى التفكير فيه 
و فيك ...
عندما ترحل ...
ماذا سيحل بي 
من بعدك ...
هل سأقوى ... 
على العيش !!

,Forced to shut down this love
,My heart shattered to pieces
,Bled in the process
.And now it only hopes


أُرغمت أنت عليه ...
و أُرغمت أنا به 
فرحلت ... غير آبه أو غير مخير 
فالرحيل ... لا يزال رحيل 
و لازلت أتالم ..
و الألم أَلم بي ...

أين أنت ؟ 


.Memories withheld
,Everything else turned to dust
,Except for these memories


أخرست الحب ...
أيتمت العشق ...
أدميت القلب ...
ناثرت قطعًا من قلب 
لم يكن سوى ليحبَك و يحبَك و يحبَك ...
و ها أنا 
مكسور الجناح ... متشبثٌ بحلم 
لعل و عسى ....
أملك أمل 
نعم رغم هذا أمل 
بأنه في يوم ....

لا أملك شيئًا 
قاحلٌ أنا ...
أجدبٌ أنا ...
غبار و رماد...
لم يبقى لي منك شي ...
سوى فتات ذكريات ... ينهشها الزمن 
خائف ... من طي النسيان 


,My eyes don’t shed tears anymore
,Yet my heart mourns
Everyday, every night


هل تعلم ... 
بسببك ..
إستسلمت عيني ..
لا تقوى على النحيب ...
مره أخرى ...
إستنزفتَ دموعي 
يوجد أمل 
لم يقوى على 
لا يزال أملاً ...
و بعودتكـ 


'I now loath that so called color ‘Red
'Our moments were ‘White
,But the memories that still remain
.Are soon turning red


حزين ...
أظلمت الدُنيا من حولي 
تغيرت ...
لم أعد أرى الدُنيا كما كنت 
لا لذة فيها ... بسببك
أو لون 
مكتسية بسواد .... بوشاحٍ أحمر 
تنقض على ما بقي ... من ذكريات 
لتكسيه بالأسود .... بوشاحها الأحمر


,You and I were one
.Now it’s done


كشخصٍ واحد 
ككيان واحد 
كقطعة واحدة


,Fate they say
.Selfishness of society, I think


مزقتها أنياب المجتمع 
أدمها مخالب الظروف
من يسبب الضرر 
أكثر ...
بي أنا 
أو ربما بك    


,Give me back my white moments
.And I’ll bring back my wishful heart


كم أنت أناني .. يا مجتمع .. يا زمن .....
يا أنت ..

,Without you
,I’m a mix of opened veins
.And a burning desire to return to white


تغيرت ... 
أصبحت مختلف ..
هلا أبتعدتي عني ؟
بوشاحك الأحمر ...
أتركي لي قليلًا منه 
من الذكريات 
لأنحب عليها ...
ستبقين سعيدة .... و .. أنا حزين 
لكن سيبقى بها لي أمل .. و ألم ... و أمل
سأكون أملاً ... ذا قلب .. رربما كُسر و لكن قلب 


But everything is red


أرى الأحمر 
هنا و هناك 
فيي و فيك 
في ماضي و حاضري ...
و المستقبل 
أيضًا ...
كان أبيض 
لكم ...

إكتسحت بسواد ...
بوشحها الأحمر 

 Shaima Al Jasmi
محمد الجلاف 

A sad matter..

I’ve reached to that same point of my life where everything is falling apart again. I try to rise from one issue just to see myself falling into another.  
Twists and turns...

I’ve taught myself not to care anymore; I’ve been trying to hold back my tears. Been trying to hide away my heartaches.
They say talk about it, they say let it out, and sometimes I do, but it doesn’t do me any good. 
Why break another person’s heart? 
Why cause pain to another soul, a soul who is left with their own problems and heartaches.
I’m crying, but only from the inside. I can feel my heart tearing apart. I can see my life breaking down into pieces right before my eyes. Because just when I see myself rise and feel contempt, I fall back down. 
This isn’t an act of depression, this isn’t me being ungrateful, this is me being fed up from falling.

On one hand, its when someone doesn’t see potential in you, and not just anyone, but its those closest to you. How am I expected to do that for my own self? I’d lose interest in doing anything after it!

On the other hand it's when I let what society thinks of me affect me; affect my mindset and my well-being.  When people talk, never mind it being completely wrong, but when they talk they show you no mercy, they do it just for the sake of talking and starting a conversation, like peoples’ life is a subject to talk about, like that person you just talked about would affect your life in any aspect. 
For crying out loud would you stop it already!

And then it’s that moment when you finally let your guard down and let someone in. You feel comfortable at first, you think that maybe earth isn’t a bad place to live on after all, and you give it time just to see that you were completely wrong … No one is worth it.  
I now came to realize that keeping a distance between people is much better. Don’t tell them your dreams, don’t share with them your special moments, simply don’t let anyone in. Its too hard to stomach once it comes crashing down.

To those of you who are reading this right now, you’d probably feel sorry for me, but believe me dear soul, I once had faith in humanity, I believed, I saw the good in people and sometimes still do, but I’ve reached my limit. I can’t bear what’s going on in this world any longer.

People are being taken for granted, like not a single soul matters but yourself. They have lost the meanings to family, friendships, love, trust, and respect! Nothing is worth fighting for anymore!
If you messed up, you’re out; a single mistake erases all the good that you’ve done.  Maybe what I’m going through isn’t as bad as what you went through, but it’s still something, isn’t it?

Why is it that every time I come to talk about how down I’m feeling you start by comparing your problems to mine?
You start by saying that I’m too young to feel this way?
Was it ever stated that there’s an age limit to feeling sad, to feeling worthless, or to maybe entering the stage of depression?
Where are you now when I need you the most?
When will you support me?
Remember that time when you needed me and I stood by you? 
Remember when you felt your heartache? 
But when I’m feeling down you’re nowhere to be found...


It really is sad now that I’ve come to think about it, how words are the closest thing to comforting me…

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ramblings of a bruised heart!

Missing a soul has always hurt, right in the core.
It hurt even more when you're misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misjudged.
You stay up night and day wondering what caused you this misfortune? Why would someone you cherished so much and loved so deeply hurt you like this? 

We call it love, we call it friendship, we call them feelings.
You give and give and exceed your limit of giving, yet you try again, every single time, to take out more of you and give it to them.
At first they appreciate it, they cherish you, they love you. But then it becomes a habit to them. They take you for granted. They think you'll always be there for them, always handle and listen to them.

The amount of things humans do for eachother are always ALWAYS never enough. 
Every time you lose a piece of you, for them.
How is this love?
Is this the love that everyone talks about?
Adnan and Lina? "Friends"
Romeo and Juliet? "Lovers" 
Poets and writers of the world, is that what you mean of love?
If it is, then I don't want it anymore.
I don't want something or someone to humiliate me, to take me down, to drown me.
I don't want a hurtful love. I want the cherished love, the love love if in somehow this makes sense.

I'm my father's daughter, and he didn't raise a girl so she could be taken down by another person.

Kindness is misunderstood, yet somehow become overrated, in a sense where everyone thinks they're nice and kind if they talk politely, dress nicely yet never really work on their actions but just base them on words.

A heart is a powerful organ in the body, but when hurt, or stabbed, it could kill, and if not literally then it could take away all feelings that are left in you and turn them into ashes and then suddenly you realise they're, Puff....

It doesn't necessarily have to be about couples or lovers as it also happens between "friends".

After all that is said, I believe in what God has to offer me, and I live my days everyday believing in them and in him. With his mighty I am stronger. I have a heart that will never stop loving, but if hurt, it will instantly lose trust. 
To all those who were hurt, to all those who did the hurting but never intended doing it, you'll always be loved, because a heart can never really hate those they once loved. But as said "once", this love can never be returned.

I am and forever will be my father's daughter, for I learnt my strength from him, I learnt loving deeply and caring widely. Yet I also learnt that we live in a virtual world, where not all humans are, humans.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A rough fall!

A semester ago, fall 2013 to be precise; things have changed for me. I've gone through some rough times and had to make some of the hardest decisions in my life.
Changed majors, letting go of the most important person in my life and truly knew where I stood among people, and that's to somehow summarize what went on.

While in the phase of changing majors, my life could've been described as hell, disapproving parents who were astonished by my sudden decision (which wasn't really sudden since I was thinking about it for a while back), screwed up grades, and that pretty much lead to a crushed soul. Going through this so called "crisis" put me down, destroyed every bit of hope I had for reorganizing my life. Seeing the wondering eyes of my father and sensing the taste of feeling unaccepted and disappointed hurt me like nothing ever did. It felt like my heart and lungs were collapsing, like there was no air around me anymore. Like my veins were twirling and twisting.

And with that going in, other things were also consuming my thoughts and feelings. For instance knowing that once I do change majors nothing would ever be the same.
New courses, new comfort zone, new friends...
Everything was bearable except the idea of having new friends. However, making friends is what I'm good at doing, but keeping them, not so much.
I'm known to have a lot of people around me all at once, yet when needed I wouldn't think of 1 to go too.
This might hurt some of them, but it's the absolute truth. I've come to finally realize that I keep a huge barrier between me and the people I meet, and that affects me more than it does them. Maybe I don't feel safe, maybe I don't want them worrying about me. Friends have always been an important factor in my life, they grant me stability, but when losing them it takes me off balance.
I won't deny having a few of them standing by my side after what I've been through and I'm so very grateful, yet I can't see me being "myself" around anyone.

The second half of 2013 have had the best of me. In this post I'm revealing some of who I am, a piece of me is willingly exposed to the world to see.
Sometimes I'd think back and see that I've made the right decisions, and have the right friends.
Yet everyday I don't feel like everything's in place.
I know that some of what had been crushed is permanently lost and couldn't be returned.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

For the love of vengeance

This is a never ending "situation"
I'll always live in this despair
In the middle of hatred.

Rivalry between us two
Over nothing!
But I've loved and lived for you.

Yet you don't contain such love in your heart,
You feel pain and sorrow
And try to inflict it into others.

All you want is vengeance
All you desire is this prejudice growing amongst us.

No one knows the truth about my frozen heart
No one could ever know
But you feel it like I do.

This world is unbearable,

Unworthy of living in.

All my life
19 years per say,
This has been my way of living.

Through excruciating pain,
And wrath,
I bleed.

My heart now contains a shield,
No one shall enter
Not a Friend, not a lover,
Not family.

Maybe there isn't any closure
Maybe it's just the way it is.

Maybe I'll remain living under your so called mercy,
Until I grow old and die.

Maybe you'll keep me from dying,
Because you think I belong to you.

But you're wrong.

I'll have my closure.
I'll live the life that's been written for me.
Maybe not now, but soon.

God is my salvation.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I'm broken,
Irreparable, for there's nothing to do.

Why am I living in such a world?
A world full of miseries and distress.

All along have I've tricked myself,
Not knowing what a delusional place this is.

I don't ask for much,
Only a shoulder to lean on.

I don't crave a fancy life,
Only a friend to bare.

Do I deserve this?
Am I always going to stay broken?

Will this agony follow me wherever I go?
Till the day I die perhaps...

"You're not alone", they say
"We'll stick by your side when no one else does"

Speaking out of love
Yet no actions are made.

But here I am,
Putting on my best smile.

Showing the better side of me,
The intoxicated and content friend.

Back to reality.